Well, wouldn't you know- I found a book that fits perfectly with my dorky child development obsession. Apparently there are others out there just like me! I think I first heard of The Wonder Weeks when I was googling something like, "Is it normal if my baby ______?" You can fill in the blank with a variety of insane first-time mom concerns. Feel free to get creative, because I probably googled just about anything you could dream up. Anyway, after I heard of the book I immediately wanted to buy it, but I waited until I found it at a garage sale for $2 (see, I'm dorky AND cheap! No wonder B snapped me up off the singles market so quickly). I must say, this is by far the best $2 I have ever spent.
www.thewonderweeks.com |
Part of a handy chart to show you when your baby's "cloudy" aka mid-leap crazy kid times may fall. www.thewonderweeks.com |

For example, The Wonder Weeks suggested I give E baskets of his own so he could explore the "world of relationships" during week 26. He LOVES dumping them out, although he doesn't really care to fill them back up. Oh, well- at least I've gained a willing laundry day helper!
Each section also includes quotes from parents whose babies are going through the phase. I love this feature because it generally makes me feel better about myself, in much the same way that watching an episode of Teen Mom does (if you haven't watched this yet, you should- go now). To be fair, most of the parent quotes are helpful and informative, but there are a few gems in there, let me tell you. My favorites include: "He'd been screaming so relentlessly that I suddenly shouted out angrily, 'Now shut up!' and walked away," and "When he cries in public I think to myself, 'Why don't you shut up you stupid kid!'" Hahaha.
So, if you're a psychology/ child development dork like me or if you're just searching for a reason your little angel has turned into a crazy person, check this book out! They also have a website and an iPhone app. Happy reading!
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