"Teacher, she COPIED me!" If I had a dollar for every time some little darling came up to me and said that in the trademark high-octave kid whine, I would be a very rich lady. Most young children do not like to be copied- period- but as they get older, their feelings about being copied evolve to depend on the copiers. If they think the copier is cool, they will welcome and even aggressively court his copying efforts. Just think about how many social media outlets depend on people wanting to copy and be copied- Facebook, thousands of blogs and (my personal favorite) Pinterest. Anyway, thinking about how the world has embraced copying made me feel better about becoming a copycat myself. My very eloquent and witty friend Kristy over at
35tomatoes (not about tomatoes, FYI) made a list of 34 fun and interesting things she plans to do before turning 35. I plan on copying her by making a list of 30 things to do before I turn 30 in April. By the way, Kristy approved this in typical teacher style by saying, "Let's call it sharing." :)
Like most of my decisions since September, this was motivated by my little E-man. As a new mom, I find it extremely difficult to remember that E and I are actually two distinct people. I rarely do anything for myself outside of the occasional trip to the gym (which I have rationalized as being acceptable because it offers E a chance to socialize with his little gym girlfriend, Naomi). However, lately I've been thinking that I might need to become a richer person to be a better mom.
Anyone who knows me and my WalMart-shopping, clearance rack-cruising ways must think I've finally gone off the deep end. No worries- I'm not saying being richer in the monetary sense would make me a better mom (although I'm sure E would love it if I invested more money in toys for him to smash). What I mean is that I am starting to think I need to invest more time and effort in myself to meet my full mom potential. I want to be a mom who inspires my son to think deeply about how he wants to experience the world. I want to guide him as he grows so he can develop the confidence and skills to make those experiences happen. And more than anything, I want to guide him to this rich, full life by example, not words.
Who wouldn't want to inspire this little man? |
Now, how exactly am I going to inspire someone to live life fully by spending my days cleaning, Googling potential childhood maladies and micromanaging naptimes? I'm not. I need to get up off my mama hiney (yes, we use the word hiney around here now) and do something. Lots of somethings, actually. When I read Kristy's blog, her list of fun, life-enriching activities seemed like the perfect format to push me toward the fuller life I know I want. I LOVE lists- they help me clear my head, organize my thoughts and (most importantly) make me commit to any items I add to them. Perfect! 30 fun, enriching things before 30, here I come! Follow along and if you see things that you would like to do, let me know and we'll enjoy them together!
Thanks for the inspiration, Kristy. Being a copycat is fun :).
Can't wait to see you list! I'm sure there will be fun things that I would love to join, even if I'm already 36:)
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy that you're making a list too! Can't wait to see it! And even though I don't have a baby (yet), I'm enjoying reading your posts. Great job, Mama! E boy is lucky to have a mommy like you!